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He caught my eyes
Friday 3 August 2012 , 09:25 , 0 little bunny

the first time i meet him at the bus station
that time he caught my eyes
we on the same bus that time
same destination
he is the tall guy look like a nerdy boy but still cute for me
after that day i usually saw him near my dorm
practicing his soccer skills
i want to know his name
what is his name?
i admire him for 6months before this
and right now almost 1 year and half i still admire him
still don't know his name 
should i called him Mr.Soccer?
i was hoping that he look his way towards me
i really hope
really hope that i could get to know you
i really like to watch you from a far
and i found that you look so cute playing soccer with your tall body
should i tell my guys friend about you?
or should go to you and tell you that i want to know your name?
i want to but another part of me is afraid of rejection and shame
so what can i do?

to Mr.Soccer:
i really love to watch you from a far because i found that you really cute..i really want to get to know you but i'm really shy person and i'm afraid that you might reject me and left me heart broken like my past crushes..i'm just a plain girl that never been in love..always fall in love but never been in love..if you find me childish..yes thank you..i really found that too..childish girl that want to fall in love..and hoping that guy will fall in love with her..
from:Your Secret Admire
Jay Park Showcase!
Saturday 26 May 2012 , 08:40 , 0 little bunny
Assalammualikum guys~
long time no update~
1 word : MALAS!!
hahahaha ok la saya nak cerita hari tu saya g showcase Jay Park..siape Jay Park ne?
oklah die sebenarnye org Korea tp x berape mahir berbahasa korea ape awalnye..die menetap die Seattle di US.. masa die umur berape tah die g audition syarikat korea utk jd artist..syarikat JYP..pemiliknye Ji Young Park(JYP)..dan dia dipilih menjadi pelatih di syarikat tu ..kalau die bersedia die akan debut menjadi artist..bakat die ialah b-boy,free-style dancing,rap,beatboxing,dan menyanyi..kalau korg tahu kumpulan korea 2PM..die dulu merupakan leader group 2PM!! disebbkan ada gossip liar..and kes hina-menghina Jay Park atau Park JaeBeom mengundur diri dr group 2PM..dlm masa setahun lebih berdiam diri..die tu muncul kembali bermula dgn Youtube.. start tu die balik semula ke korea dan ingin jd artist solo korea..p/s die still xbercakap dgn ex-groupmate die dan ex-boss die(JYP)..ex-boss die paling anti die..(donno why..don't ask me).. so info pasal die...
p/s:memang aku suke la mengarut ...lalallaa

back to the topic
dgn tarikh 13th May 2012..saya pergi Jaypark punye showcase..die ala2 konsert tp xlama dan die xambik ramai org g konsert tu..nenenene...saya hari tu pg dgn cousin saya Kak Nabilah dan adik saya Syazreena..kteorg g KL Live..Kak Nabilah dan adik saya dpt tgk showcase je tp saya dpt  autograph pass die dan showcase pass....byk kenangan kat situ..oh saya org terakhir la yg masuk dlm dewan tu...saya ada tgkp gmbr masa kat showcase tu tp byk x clear.. 

ne antara gmbr yg paling clear yeah

part yg paling bestnye g showcase ne..saya DAPAT PEGANG TANGAN DIEEE!!!!!
tersengih2 smpi ke umah~kekeke

My Other Passion
Wednesday 2 May 2012 , 08:17 , 0 little bunny
Assalammualaikum guys!! Long time no update!!
oklah saya sebenarnye sihat je nothing interesting in my life right now..
oh ye saya nak cerita pasal passion saya sekarang ne
oh saya skg ne selalu masak pelbagai makanan... dan juga ambik gmbr then edit2
ne ha hasil nye

ne lak gmbr makanan yg saya ambik

so mcm mane hasil nye...
Thursday 12 April 2012 , 04:40 , 0 little bunny
Assalammualaikum guys~
SO I'm Back! She's Back!She's Back!She's Back!OH She's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!( tiba2 nyanyi lagu Infinite - She's Back)

Hey guys lama lak x update2 ne..line rosak..ek silap~terdpt banyak halangan utk on9..
so yea saya skg ne tgh semestar break 2 bulan!bow wow wow~ ok sebenarnye cuti sumbat!suck giler!

nak keje tp rase malas lak..nak kuar x de org nak ajak kuar memang best la..nak on9 lak mcm tuuuuuttttuuu

oh 3april yg lepas kan bday saya kan?
serious birthday yg paling sedih sbb x de hadiah pun...tsktsk adik beradik pun same x kasi pun sedih...sbenarnye diorg ne kedekut tu byk alasan...pff

so skg ne nak sumbat je kat dlm umah ..mcm org gile..lalalala
karut2 mengarut~

oh nanti saya nak wat Red Velvet Cupcakes
kalau dh siap nanti saya post gmbr
Sunday 25 March 2012 , 06:48 , 0 little bunny
Hey hey and hey guys

grr ape ek nak cerita ne..errr....oh saya lagi tinggal 1 paper lagi lepas tu yipee habis untuk sem 2!!!cuti!ohhh...korg time 3rd april akan dtg nanti tlg sedia kan present dan cake tahu..ngehngeh bday saya tu jgn lupe tau~ohohohoh..oh korg nak tahu x korg ingat x pasal lelaki yg saya namekan Mr.Soccer tu kan???hari tu saya ter-mimpi die...saya mimpi saya tahu name sebenar die...saya still ingat name die Shafiq...grrr...harap2 mimpi tu betul la~kekekeke saya rindduuu die ngehngeh eceeehhhhh...gatal nmpk...

oh next sem nanti saya kena duduk luar...dh jumpe umah dh 2 tingkat lk tu dekat jugk dgn U just jalan kaki mcm 7-8 minit dekat kan?saya nanti 1 umah dgn Rambutan,Dayah,Odah,Wawel,Zela dan Ila~ saya nak cerita something ne saya skg ne rse kesian dgn kwn saya ne Ecah...grrr die sepatutnye join kteorg tp grrr ada org ketiga lak kacau..ganggu ecah ...mengongkong giler tu ckp kat kteorg yg die x selease tinggal dgn kteorg..grrr...selfish giler menyampah org mcm tu dh lah anti-sosial! grrr...

saya skg ne tgh aktif tulis beberape cerita fan fic..hehehe ia tu My Naughty Boyfriend,what happen when a swagger guy fall in love with swagger girl,war between me and that jerk,i just want to know your name,my dance machine boyfriend, dan i like him not you~

oh sat saya nk tunjuk cover cerita saya tu

war between me and that jerk..drpd musuh pembalahan mulut ke percintaan yg pelik

what happens when a swagger boy fall in love with swagger girl..percintaan antara  org yg teramat confident dgn  diri diorg..

my Dance machine boyfriend...hubungan yg x  diketahui oleh mane2 kwn2 selain adik hero dan kwn baik heroin..oh yg hero die ne sorg yg pemalu smpi x pernah g date pun~grrr..a.k.a boyfriend die ne lembab

ne cerita My Naughty Boyfriend..mengisahkan boyfriend perempuan ne yg nakal tu ada crisis hubungan bile ex perempuan ne dtg balik! 
ohhhkkkk ada lagi 2 poster saya lum lagi buat yg I Like Him Not You  dan I just want to know your name lum wat lagi so..yea..nak tunggu poster pun yea..lallalalallal..hhahaha oklah bye!
Babo fall in Love
Saturday 24 March 2012 , 23:30 , 0 little bunny
Assalammualikum :))

hey guys~poem for ya'all(rekaan semata-mata x ada kena-mengena dgn org yg hidup ataupun yg dh mati)

i saw you in my dream,
i thought it just a dream ,
but never thought that i saw you in reality life.
you look much more awesome then my dream.
i'm not lying.
on the first moment that i saw you
you really do attract me.
somehow i really want to know your name
just your name
it's already enough for me
but on the second thought
i want to get to know you
talk to you
hang out with you
get to know each other
but the thing is
for me to speak to you is hard
maybe i will get rejection from you
maybe i get fool but you
maybe just maybe you hate me
that scared me the most.
so with this way
i'm only doing is keep my head low
and zip my mouth.
keep everything in my heart..

P/s :maybe you think i am a fool?yes maybe i am because i'm a fool that fall in love with someone that doesn't like me back.

All About Mee~
Sunday 18 March 2012 , 01:28 , 0 little bunny
Assalammualaikum guys:))
 Tajuk hari ni ialah all about me! pada sesetgh org mesti saya ne pelik kan?perubahan mood..yes that me..I am AB type so deal with me...hahaha start now!

ne kalau first2 jumpe org saya mesti wat peace tu senyum tersengih2

kadang2 kalau ada org tgh serious saya akan kertawa x terpasal..entah knpe..(-,-)"

saya jugak suke mengelamun~

kalau terfikir sesuatu saya akan set benda tu!

Saya sorg Cry baby..lalla

saya ne sorg x serious~

suke wat muke yg mengarut~

nak menari sesuke hati~

suke mkn Lollipop!

suke tolak kepala org~

kadang2 suke senyum lebar tp adakala x ikhlas.. :p

oh saya suke ketawa!!

saya suke tunggu org~

tunggu punye tunggu~

tu wat muke menyampah~hahaha

oh kalau saya nmpk lelaki comel ke ape...saya akan sengih2 kat dlm otak saya..ngeh2

kadang saya wat muke yg serious smpi ada org lari~

kalau ada org lari tu saya pun mengeluh~

oh saya suke merapu!

kalau org x phm...saya pulak akan terfikir2 mcm2..mcm mane nak explain ek?

tu saya dpt idea!

saya wat muke menakotkan~

lagi takot~

lagi sekali~

smpi ada org pun yg terkejut~

oh terperanjat!

ada yg respone mcm tu~

kalau saya dpt message saya akan tersengih2

kalau saya ternmpk sesorg saya akan padang die dgn curious nye~

kalau org tu ckp hi!

saya akan giggle x terpasal~

tu cube wat muke comel~hahaha

alahai segannye~

tu senyum/serious~

oh last sekali saya suke hang out dgn kwn2 saya

hangout dgn diorg memang best!

smpi peluk2..hahahhahahah ada ke?

alahai segan la..ada org peluk ne~buat muke comel la~

hahahhaa that's all...oklah semua gmbr yg gerak2 ne creditnye saya mengambil kat Tumblr...lalalala..ada benda yg mengarut tu adalah rekaan semata2...
oklah bye...Assalammualikum :))

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Big Thanks To;

Skin By; Aina Irdina
Others; I II III